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Cookies Policy

Welcome to the Cookie Policy of the website of the entity IBORRA E HIJOS SL, provided with NIF B57114613, where we will explain in clear and simple language all the necessary issues so that you can have control over them based on your personal decisions.


A cookie is a small information file that is saved on your computer, smartphone, or tablet every time you visit our website.

In principle, a cookie is harmless: it does not contain viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. that could damage your terminal, but it does have a certain impact on your right to the protection of your personal data, as it collects certain information concerning you (browsing habits, identity, preferences, etc.).

Therefore, based on the applicable regulations (LSSI and current personal data protection regulations), the activation of certain types of cookies will require your prior authorization.

Before doing so, we will give you some additional information that will help you make better decisions about it:

1. Cookies can be of various types depending on their purpose:

  • Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not require your authorization and are the only ones we have activated by default.
  • The rest of the cookies are used to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes, and personal interests. You can accept all these cookies by pressing the ACCEPT button or configure them or reject their use by clicking on the COOKIE SETTINGS section.

2. Some cookies are ours (we will call them own cookies) and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website (we will call them third-party cookies: an example could be cookies from external providers like Google). In this sense, it is important that you know that some of these external providers may be located outside of Spain.
Globally, not all countries have the same level of data protection, with some countries being safer than others (for example, the European Union is a safe environment for your data). Our policy is to use reliable providers who, whether or not they are located in the European Union, have adopted adequate guarantees for the protection of your personal information. However, in the section called WHAT TYPE OF COOKIES ARE CURRENTLY USED ON OUR WEBSITE?, you can consult the various Privacy and data protection policies of each of the referred external providers, in order to make a conscious decision about the activation or not of the third-party cookies used by our website.

3. Finally, depending on the length of time they remain active, cookies can be of two types:

  • Session cookies: they expire automatically when you end the session on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. They are usually used to store the necessary information while a service is provided to you on a single occasion.
  • Persistent cookies: they remain stored on your computer, smartphone, or tablet for a specific period, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.


  • Session cookies:
    Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to function and for you to navigate through it. These types of cookies are those that, for example, allow us to identify you, give you access to certain restricted parts of the page if necessary, or remember different options or services you have already selected, such as your privacy preferences. Therefore, they are activated by default, and your authorization is not necessary.

    Through the configuration of your browser, you can block or alert the presence of this type of cookies, although such blocking will affect the proper functioning of the various functionalities of our website.
  • Analysis Cookies:
    Analysis cookies allow us to study the navigation of the users of our website in general (for example, which sections of the page are the most visited, which services are used the most and if they work correctly, etc.).

    From the statistical information about navigation on our website, we can improve both the operation of the page itself and the various services it offers. Therefore, these cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but only serve to make our website work better, adapting to our users in general. Activating them will contribute to this continuous improvement.

    You can activate or deactivate these cookies by marking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Functionality and Personalization Cookies:
    Functionality cookies allow us to remember your preferences, to personalize certain features and general options of our website to your liking every time you access it (for example, the language in which the information is presented to you, the sections marked as favorites, your type of browser, etc.).

    Therefore, these types of cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but by activating them, you will improve the functionality of the website (for example, adapting to your type of browser) and the personalization of it based on your preferences (for example, presenting the information in the language you have chosen on previous occasions), which will contribute to the ease, usability, and comfort of our page during your navigation.

    You can activate or deactivate these cookies by marking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Advertising Cookies:
    Advertising cookies allow us to manage the advertising spaces included in our website based on criteria such as the content displayed or the frequency in which the ads are shown.

    So for example, if the same ad has been shown to you several times on our website, and you have not shown personal interest by clicking on it, it will not appear again. In summary, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising displayed on our website will be more useful and diverse, and less repetitive.

    You can activate or deactivate these cookies by marking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Behavioral Advertising Cookies:
    Behavioral advertising cookies allow us to obtain information based on the observation of your habits and behaviors of navigation on the web, in order to be able to show you advertising content that better suits your tastes and personal interests.

    To make it very simple for you, we will give you a fictitious example: if your last searches on the web were related to suspense literature, we would show you advertising about suspense books.

    Therefore, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising we show you on our website will not be generic, but will be oriented to your searches, tastes, and interests, thus being exclusively tailored to you.

    You can activate or deactivate these cookies by marking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.
  • Third-party Cookies: This website may use third-party services that, on behalf of Google, will collect information for statistical purposes, use of the site by the user, and for the provision of other services related to the activity of the website and other Internet services.

In particular, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. domiciled in the United States with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the provision of these services, Google uses cookies that collect information, including the user's IP address, which will be transmitted, processed, and stored by Google on the terms set on the website. This includes the possible transmission of such information to third parties for legal reasons or when such third parties process the information on behalf of Google.


At any time, you can adapt the configuration of the browser to manage, reject the use of cookies, and be notified before they are downloaded.

You can also adapt the configuration so that the browser rejects all cookies, or only third-party cookies. And you can also delete any of the cookies that are already on your computer.

For this, you must bear in mind that you will need to adapt the configuration of each browser and device you use separately since, as we have previously mentioned, cookies are associated with the browser, not with the person.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

If you have any doubts about this Cookie Policy, you can contact us by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Iborra Hnos Ibiza
Airport Road, km 4.6
07817 – Sant Jordi (Ibiza)
Balearic Islands
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+34) 971 39 56 19
Opening hours
  • Mo –  Fri
    7 am – 2 pm
  • 3 pm – 6 pm
  • Saturday
    7 am – 2 pm
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