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Café ibiza iborra hnos

Coffee in Ibiza, in search of the perfect espresso

The culture of coffee goes beyond a good after-dinner conversation surrounded by loved ones, beyond a good breakfast, beyond an afternoon in good company, the culture of coffee begins with the coffee bean itself.

After the wonderful temperatures that the beginning of autumn has left us, the temperatures start to drop and with them awaken the coffee feelings that a good coffee brings on an autumn/winter afternoon.

We could write days and more days about the history of coffee, its beginnings, its origins, types, qualities, roasts, ... but today we are going to focus on the complexity of the perfect espresso.

Several factors will influence the final quality of a cup of coffee: the quality of the coffee, the grinder, the machine, the cup, the barista’s hand, and the care and maintenance of the machine.

Choosing a good coffee will be a key factor in the final result of our cup. For coffee in Ibiza, at Iborra Hnos. we place all our trust in top brand products such as Mocay or Cafés Baqué.

Once our coffee bean is chosen, the next step will be the grinder. Our technical service and our sales team will help you find the perfect grind and quantity to get us closer to the perfect espresso. Thanks to our technical service, factors as important in the final result of the cup as the grinder, the machine, and its maintenance will be much easier tasks.

The concavity of the cup will also be an important factor to consider, as the angle at which the coffee “breaks” into the cup can vary the final result.

Another very important factor will be the barista’s hand. A barista must be able to master perfectly the 10 golden rules of the perfect espresso:

  1. Machine temperature and pressure
  2. The cups should always be hot (they should not burn the customer when touched with the lips)
  3. Periodic checks of the grind
  4. Do not store coffee in the doser from one day to the next
  5. Keep the portafilters hot in the group
  6. Control the coffee pressing
  7. Insert the portafilter and press quickly to avoid burning the charge
  8. Do not press twice for the same coffee
  9. Perform regular cleaning of the machine and grinder
  10. Always serve freshly brewed coffee

Here we are, contributing our little “coffee grain” to bring this wonderful culture to all palates in Ibiza. Contact us for more information

Iborra Hnos Ibiza
Airport Road, km 4.6
07817 – Sant Jordi (Ibiza)
Balearic Islands
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+34) 971 39 56 19
Opening hours
  • Mo –  Fri
    7 am – 2 pm
  • 3 pm – 6 pm
  • Saturday
    7 am – 2 pm
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